Mental Health

Mental Health

Useful Contact for those struggling with Mental Health


Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.

Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)

Talk to Frank

Free, confidential information and advice about drugs, their effects and the law. FRANK's live chat service runs daily from 2pm to 6pm.

Phone: 0300 1236600 (24-hour helpline)

Text a question to: 82111


Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.

Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)


Mental health can begin to develop in us at early stages of life as we go through trying to identify ourselves and talk about how we might feel about certain things.

We all have either suffered from Mental health or know a friend or family that has , Unfortunately there is still a stigma associated with them but having discussions and raising awareness are the first steps to combating this stigma.

It is very important to pay attention to our mental health and support those around us who might be struggling.

Here at Repurpose, We believe everyone have their purpose and we continue to work towards ending the stigma.

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